I do a decent amount of Computed Added Manufacturing (CAM) for Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) milling, which is fancy speak for taking a digital (CAD) model of an object and turning it into instructions for a cutting robot. I also have the opportunity to teach quite a few other people at the South London Makerspace.
Learning a new “language” can be tough, so I built a tool that analysis the instructions (GCODE) before they are given to the robot and helps you the human understand what its going to do.
The software simulates all the movements that the machine will take and tells you the maximum it will in any directions to ensure that you don’t crash into anything. It also provides a list of all the types of instructions in the file so you can understand if its compatible with your machine. As nice bonus, it explains what the codes mean so you can learn more GCODE.
I was inspired by features I felt missing from the awesome but unfortunately closed source NCViewer. Find my tool here;